Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
William Drummond of Hawthornden Sonnet b

Vaunt not, faire Heavens, of your two glorious Lights,
Which though most bright, yet see not when they shine,
And shining, cannot shew their Beames divine
Both in one Place, but parte by Dayes and Nights,

Earth vaunt not of those Treasures yee enshrine,
Held only deare because hidde from our Sights,
Your pure and burnish'd Gold, your Diamonds fine,
Snow-passing Ivorie that the Eye delights:

Nor Seas of those deare Wares are in you found,
Vaunt not, rich Pearle, red Corrall, which doe stirre
A fond Desire in Fooles to plunge your Ground;

These all (more faire) are to be had in Her:
Pearle, Ivory, Corrall, Diamond, Sunnes, Gold,
Teeth, Neck, Lips, Heart, Eyes, Haire are to behold.


A blazon!

Lady's Body Part Valued Item
Teeth Pearls
Neck Ivory
Lips Corrall
Heart Diamonds
Eyes Suns
Hair Gold


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